Class Trips
In order for your child to participate in class trips during the course of the school day, parents or guardians must have completed the Day Trip Waiver located on Magnus Health. Students who have not submitted this form by Friday, September 13, will not be able to participate in school-day field trips.
What is required for overnight or international trips?
Any trips occurring overnight will require parents or guardians to visit Magnus Health to fill out two additional forms.
Overnight Trip Liability Waiver; and,
Overnight Trip Medication Form
What is the purpose of the Overnight Trip Medication Form?
The Overnight Trip Medication Form only applies to students who require prescription medications that are not currently listed on their Vital Health Record or Annual Physical (e.g., medications taken outside of typical school hours that you originally did not let the school know about).

Ethical Culture

Fieldston Middle

Fieldston Lower

Fieldston Upper