ECFS Health Policies

Student Medical Services

Role of the School Nurse

The role of the school nurse is to support the overall well-being and academic success of our students. The nurse's office institutes health and safety guidelines, provides nursing assessment for any injuries or illnesses, helps students manage chronic illnesses or life-threatening allergies, and assists in health education. In addition, the nurse's office maintains medical records and health information in accordance with the requirements mandated by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.  

Medical Information and Examinations

Parents/guardians are required to provide all requested student medical information and to ensure that the information is current while the student is in attendance at the School. ECFS uses an electronic medical record service, Magnus Health, to collect all medical forms for students. Access the families portal to log into Magnus Health to complete the required online profile, and print/upload physician forms. If your address or contact info is not correct, request changes by emailing Include your name and relationship to the student, student's name, division, and grade.

For questions regarding Magnus Health, email them at or contact their customer support by phone at (877) 461-6831. To view the Magnus Health Privacy and Security page, click here.

Medical Examinations

The School requires that parents/guardians submit certain medical information before the student may begin attending classes. All students must have an electronic health record completed in Magnus Health before school begins. Requirements include the Student Vital Health Record (emergency contacts, physician contact, health history), Annual Physical, Immunization Record, Consent to Treatment, and an Over-the-Counter Medication Consent. Additional requirements, if applicable, include action plans for asthma, allergies, diabetes, or seizures, and a Prescription Medication Form for each prescription taken at school. 

While some of forms may require a physician’s signature, many of the requirements can be submitted completely electronically through the Magnus Health website or mobile application. Families may also photograph and upload forms through the Magnus app by selecting “Student Health Tracker” and clicking on the title of the respective requirement. In order to provide our nurses with time to review individual submissions and to communicate any necessary follow up, we ask that all forms be submitted by the date prescribed by the school. 

Nursing and school offices cannot complete or upload any forms to Magnus Health.

If a teacher suspects a student has a vision problem, the teacher may send the student to the school nurse who will perform a basic vision screening. If there is an identifiable problem, the nurse will make a vision referral.

Scheduling Appointments

The School understands that, from time to time, students may need to be absent from or late to school in order to attend necessary appointments (such as medical or dental appointments). ECFS asks that parents/guardians make every reasonable attempt to minimize disruption to their child’s attendance at school and schedule such appointments for after school hours or days when school is not in session. Aside from emergency responders, medical professionals are not permitted to come to campus to examine students or provide treatment.

Changes in Medical History

Any changes in the students’ health status during the academic year — for example, any illness, medication change, surgery needed, etc. — should be communicated to the school nurses. The school nurses are the first to respond to an emergency situation; therefore, the nurses need to be aware of each student’s complete and current medical history. This information is kept strictly confidential and only shared on a need-to-know basis.


ECFS complies with New York State law regarding immunization requirements for students. A record of immunization is required on the school medical form. Effective June 2019, New York State eliminated the religious exemption from immunization. Consistent with the law, ECFS will only permit medical exemptions from immunization. Parents/guardians with questions about immunization requirements should contact the nurse's office within their respective divisions.

The New York State Department of Health Immunization Requirements for School Attendance may be viewed here, with frequently asked questions available here


If your student will require prescription medication to be administered during the school day or at school-related activities, ECFS requires that parents/guardians submit written authorization on the ECFS Prescription Medication Form in order for the school nurse to administer such medications. This form must be submitted via Magnus Health prior to the first day of classes. The school nurse cannot give your student medication of any kind without such written authorization.

All medication must be brought to school in the original container received from the pharmacy that contains the dosage, instructions for administration, the prescribing doctor’s name, and the name of the medication. All medications must be left in the nurse's office.

Students are not permitted to carry over-the-counter medications with them during the school day. Parents/guardians who would like their child to receive over-the-counter medication during school hours must provide the school with written authorization through Magnus Health.

In accordance with New York State Regulation: All students must have patient-specific orders from their provider for any OTC medication along with written parent/guardian consent for such medications to be administered to, or taken by their child including school stock OTC.

Staying/Going Home from School

Every season brings various contagious illnesses. The circulating and more common viruses in school are colds, conjunctivitis, influenza, stomach bugs, and strep throat. A student must be kept home from school under the following circumstances:

This policy is intended to protect the health and welfare of your child and the ECFS community and applies in instances when your child has a scheduled test or quiz, a rehearsal, or athletic activity. 

A doctor's note is required after an absence longer than three days, and a family conference may be required when a student has been absent 10 or more days.

Picking Up Children from School

Parents/guardians, or their authorized caregiver, should be available to pick their child up from school within sixty minutes of being notified by their divisional nurse or main office. 


The school nurse will attempt to contact parents/guardians regarding any serious illness or injury, but in circumstances that warrant immediate attention or when the School is unable to reach the parents/guardians, designated emergency contacts, or the student’s physician, the school nurses will determine the appropriate treatment. In the event of a serious emergency, an ambulance will be called, the student will be taken to the nearest hospital emergency room, and at least one parent will be notified immediately.

Parents/guardians are expected to keep emergency information up-to-date. Please remember, it is critically important that the School have current home, work, and cell phone numbers for parents/guardians or others (relatives, friends, or neighbors) who routinely assume temporary care of the student if the student’s parent(s) cannot be reached.

Parents/guardians will be notified of any illness or injury that may require follow-up medical care. A Consent to Treatment Form must be up to date and on file for every student, allowing the School to render treatment and obtain outside medical assistance when necessary.

Concussion Management

The School will notify parents/guardians as soon as a head injury is suspected, and families should report any head injury that did not happen at a school-related activity to the nurse. Parents/guardians are expected to obtain proper medical evaluation and clearance by a licensed healthcare professional with training in concussion evaluation and management. The treating healthcare professional is expected to provide the School with an initial care plan and follow \-up care plans as indicated.

ECFS takes Return-to-Learn and Return-to-Play seriously. In order for a student to return to physical activity without restrictions, appropriate documentation must be received, students must be completely symptom-free, both at rest and during physical and mental exertion, with neurocognitive function within a normal range, and have completed a supervised Return-to-Play protocol. ECFS will not allow the student to participate fully while experiencing any lingering or persisting symptoms of a concussion, no matter how slight.

Elevator Use

In order to make elevators readily available for people with physical mobility disabilities, students may only use the elevators if they have a note from the nurse.

Toileting Independence

ECFS students are expected to be completely toilet trained and able to manage their own toileting needs. A student that is toilet trained identifies and communicates the need to use the bathroom, cleans themself (wipes properly, washes hands, etc.), changes their own soiled clothing, and does not have toileting accidents.

All Pre-K through 2nd Grade students are required to have a change of clothes available to them in their classroom. Parents/guardians are notified when toileting accidents occur and on-campus family assistance may be required. Parent/guardian home-based toilet training will be required should a student be regularly unable to navigate their own sanitary needs. ECFS does not prohibit children from participation in the school day due to single-event toileting accidents. ECFS expects parents/guardians to fully cooperate and coordinate with the classroom teacher, guidance team, and divisional leadership team to minimize the impact on the educational environment.

Excusal from Physical Education & Dance

Ethical Culture & Fieldston Lower

Students who are able to come to school but feel a little under-the-weather or have a “walking injury” are expected to report to Physical Education. In these situations, the teacher will determine the appropriate level of student participation. 

Students who suffer a more serious injury or illness that will necessitate a prolonged period of healing (three or more days) are required to present the school nurse with a note from a physician that should include either full clearance for participation in Physical Education or the modifications necessary for the student to participate and complete the school’s Physical Education requirements. When a physician’s instructions indicate that a student should not go to Physical Education, the school nurse, Physical Education teacher, and divisional administrator will determine where the student will report during PE.

The student might attend the class in order to take part safely in the activity in another capacity, as a referee for example.

Fieldston Middle & Fieldston Upper

Students who are able to come to school but feel a little under-the-weather or have a “walking injury” are expected to report to Physical Education or Dance and discuss the situation with their teacher. In these situations, the teacher will determine the appropriate level of student participation.

Students who suffer a more serious injury or illness that will necessitate a prolonged period of healing (three or more days) are required to present the school nurse with a note from a physician that should include either full clearance for participation in Physical Education, Athletics, or Dance or the modifications necessary for the student to participate and complete the school’s Physical Education requirements. When a physician’s instructions indicate that a student should not go to Physical Education, the school nurse, Physical Education department chair, and Dean will determine where the student will report during PE. Failure to follow these protocols may result in the student receiving an unexcused absence.

A student must present a note from a doctor to be medically excused from PE for an extended period of time. Under state law, a student who is medically excused from Physical Education classes for longer than six weeks needs to complete an alternative program of physical activity or physical therapy and to present the PE department with evidence of that alternative program.

Health + Wellness & Academic Policies


The School is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities are provided with equal access to the School’s programs and services, in accordance with applicable law. The School may require documentation regarding the student’s request and will make reasonable accommodations to enable a student to participate in the program and where doing so does not pose an undue burden to the School or a threat to the safety of the school community.

Physical Mobility Accommodations 

The School will provide students with permanent or temporary physical mobility disabilities with reasonable accommodations that permit them access to the curricular and/or co-curricular spaces in a safe and efficient manner. The School strives to ensure that facilities are accessible on a non-discriminatory basis. The School is committed to working with students and families to provide reasonable accommodations that may include assistance in planning accessible routes onto the School campuses and between classes or activities. Parents/guardians should contact the Nurses Office to provide information about the nature of the permanent or temporary physical mobility disability so that accommodations can be planned accordingly.

Learning Disability Accommodations 

For students who need additional support or curricular adjustments, the School will require medical documentation regarding the student’s condition. Extended time and other accommodations constitute adjustments in the learning environment (e.g., instruction and assessment conditions) that are intended to support a student in acquiring and then demonstrating course content knowledge and skills. Academic accommodations are limited to circumstances where descriptive documentation that the onset, duration, and severity of the condition or impairment significantly impacts upon the student’s ability to benefit from their education. The decision of whether to grant an accommodation will be determined on the basis of the individualized needs of the student, which may change over time. Accommodations are not intended to modify course content, what assessments are intended to measure, or the meaning of a student’s performance. So, while grades may improve once obstacles created by the impairment are accommodated, extended time or other accommodations with the sole intent of raising grades will not be granted.

Parents/guardians who are seeking academic accommodations for their child must submit a neuropsychological evaluation conducted by a professional experienced in conducting evaluations of this nature to the Learning Center. Outside evaluators are expected to conduct diagnostic evaluations using research-based and evidence-based practice, always following best practices for assessing areas of concern. Evaluators should hold appropriate, current certification or licensure and be qualified to evaluate the condition(s) diagnosed. Outside neuropsychological evaluations should include the following: 

Parents/guardians who are seeking academic accommodations for their child must submit a complete neuropsychological evaluation. Summaries will not be enough information for the Evaluation Committee to make a supportive decision for the student. The Evaluation Committee confidentially reviews evaluations and is comprised of the following members: the Assistant Principal for Academic Life, Psychologist, the student’s Dean, Learning Center Department Chair, and Learning Specialist, if applicable. In addition, and because evidence of a disability must extend beyond performance on a diagnostic evaluation, the School will also assess whether there is evidence of significant challenges or learning style issues in real-world settings, including in the classroom. While stress and anxiety are certainly challenges faced by many students, accommodations are not designed to address the stress and anxiety of daily life.

The decision to grant an accommodation is an individualized assessment and may change over time. Evidence of a student having received testing accommodations by a previous school or on a previous standardized test is not sufficient basis for the student to be granted accommodations at ECFS. ECFS will review the evaluations, as well as other information provided, when determining the need for accommodations. While an evaluation may hold multiple recommendations, the School will determine which accommodations are able to be reasonably accommodated by the School.

It is customary for evaluators to make a variety of recommendations for the student and family to follow outside of the school environment and beyond specific testing accommodations. Examples would be psychotherapy, working with a learning specialist, vision therapy, etc. In addition to evaluating the report and the student’s real-world performance, ECFS will look for evidence that the family and student are following those recommendations outside of school, in addition to seeking testing accommodations at school.

Religious Accommodations

Recognizing that we are a religiously diverse community, the School is sensitive to various religious traditions. When an individual's religious commitments conflict with school responsibilities, the School seeks to resolve such conflicts in a manner that respects both the individual’s religious practices and the obligations of our common life at school. Students should speak with their teachers directly and in advance to resolve any conflict between school responsibilities and religious obligations. School counselors are also available to assist students in navigating their school, personal, and religious obligations.

Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting

The School is committed to the highest standards of care for its students, which includes protecting students from child abuse and/or maltreatment by adults responsible for their care in and outside the educational setting. In accordance with New York State law, all School employees are required to report to authorities suspected abuse or neglect of any student. School employees who fail to report suspected abuse or neglect can be criminally charged with a misdemeanor by New York State. 

School employees are required to report child abuse and/or maltreatment when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect. In all instances where a report is made, the School will take appropriate measures to protect and support the student as needed.

Counseling Resources

Students are supported by their teachers, Deans, Advisors, and divisional leadership. Should a student wish to discuss something with a trained mental health professional, the student may seek out a member of our Health, Wellness, and Counseling (HWC) team. Parents/guardians are also encouraged to reach out to the HWC team should they seek support around or information about psychological, social, or emotional matters. 

Gender Accomodation Policy

The gender accommodation policy was drafted to ensure the comfort and safety of all students. Our mission states that we embrace “the exploration of what it means to be an ethical and responsible member of society. We value inclusion as well as economic and racial diversity. We honor all of our students for their unique contributions, cultural background, and beliefs.” The policy reflects these values.

All students need a welcoming, safe, and supportive school environment to thrive academically, socially, and developmentally. School employees, and fellow students all play an important role in helping to create and maintain such an environment.  

The School’s full policy outlining Gender Accommodations at the Middle School and Upper School is available here

Gender Support Policy

In accordance with New York State’s Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) and the New York State Human Rights Law, ECFS affirms every person’s right to be addressed by the name and pronoun that correspond to the student’s gender identity that they assert at school.

The School’s full policy outlining Gender Support is available here

Medical Leave of Absence

In cases of serious illness, bodily injury, or an emotional or psychological condition that prevents a student from engaging in the life and work of school, a medical leave from school may be appropriate. 

A student’s family may request medical leave. The School requires that any request for medical leave be accompanied by sufficient supporting documentation (as determined by the School in its sole discretion) to allow the School to evaluate the leave request, including, but not limited to, the following information: (a) a recommendation from the student’s treating medical professionals that the student would benefit from taking a medical leave; (b) a description of how the student’s medical condition limits the student’s ability to participate in required academic or extracurricular activities; (c) the plan for treatment of the student’s medical condition; and (d) an anticipated date for the student’s return.

To return to School from a medical leave, a parent must provide a thorough, written professional evaluation of the student’s current mental health and/or medical condition from the physician, psychiatrist, or other licensed professional who treated the student during the medical leave. The School may require additional information or request an evaluation by a physician or mental health consultant of its choosing.

Decisions regarding medical leave, or reinstating a student who has been on leave, rest with the divisional leadership in consultation with the school nurse and/or counselors. Decisions regarding such leave will be guided by the principle goal of a medical leave: to give the student the opportunity to regain health and thereby function consistently, productively, and safely at School. In the absence of a treatment plan that, in the School’s opinion, will achieve these goals, the School may decline to grant a medical leave request and instead require the student to withdraw.